Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lick & Lather Response

Janine Antoni's Lick and Lather was quite interesting.  At first I could not bring myself to take the meaning behind her artwork seriously, but after I saw the connections between the pieces I began to gain more of an appreciation for it.  I enjoyed that she looked at the rope she created as her life line and thought it would be adequate to learn how to tight rope.  Learning how to tightrope in retrospect caused her to learn how to spin hemp.  As for the chocolate and soap sculptures, there was a connection between her actions and the reasoning behind the piece.  The whole video displayed that the work I found myself laughing at, actually connected the thoughts behind her work fluently with her actions.

Soap Carving Statement

The animal I chose to carve was a beaver.  The ideas behind changing the form were from the environmental issues of pollution. I added items to the beaver that would naturally have in its environment: twigs, vines.  But also the corrupted industrial side to a natural habitat as well: the metal eyelets, bear bottles. For subtracting, I wanted to illustrate how all of the toxins being poured into the environment can lead to some animals, such as the beaver, to its demise. The fire is much like a forest fire, the bleach is much like the toxins being poured into natural bodies of water, and the plastic is much like the recyclables that are being thrown into nature.  All of these issues turn something that is naturally beautiful into a compiled mess of waste.

Disney Discoveries

Me and my magnificent girlfriend ran across this in Disney. I guess design never leaves your mind!