Monday, September 3, 2012

Outline of The Metamorphosis

Outline of The Metamorphosis

Part I:

  • Gregor Samsa wakes up in the state of turning into a bug
  • He is a traveling salesman, trying to get his family out of debt that will take about 5 yrs
  • Descriptions of Gregor include “white spots” on his stomach and insect like limbs
  • Notices that he woke up late to his strict “business” of work
  • His mother knocks on his bedroom door, and his dad soon starts to talk as well
  • His mother is more worried where his father is stricter
  • He tries to get out of bed, but has trouble do to the change on his body
  • Soon the manager shows up to house and anxiety sets in
  • The manager says that he must go to work no matter what and provide for family
  • He soon gets up to turn the key with his mouth and brown liquid spills out
  • Gregor opens door and everyone is scared of what he has become
  • Father soon kicks him into his room and injures him seriously

Part II:

  • Gregor has soon become a full bug, no way to communicate with his family
  • He hears a rush and a shut door, realizing that it was his sister
  • His sister was frightened by his looks and ran from him
  • She soon brings him food and water
  • There is a flash back to where Gregor provided money for the family,all were happy
  • He wants to send his sister (17yrs old) to school for her violin playing
  • The sister is communication to the parents about Gregors state
  • Noticing sticky residue left behind by Gregor, his sister wants to move furniture out
  • His mom went in the room to help move
  • He doesn’t want his items to be removed to crawls on the wall
  • His mother sees him and freaks out and lets him out of the room
  • His father throws apples at him and one wounds him as he goes back to the room

Part III:

  • He wakes up with an apple in his back
  • His mother took up a fashion job and his sister took up a business job
  • His dad is wearing servant clothes
  • He daydreams about helping his family again
  • Gregor’s room was cleaned
  • The family hired a cleaning lady
  • The cleaning lady is not afraid of Gregor
  • Gregor’s family turned his room into storage and has three men renting a room
  • The guests want the sister to play her violin in the living room
  • Gregor is listening and slowly goes out of the room eventually revealing himself
  • The father is trying to hide him and he goes back into his room
  •  Sister is convincing the family to get rid of their thought of “Gregor” and move on
  • Gregor passes due to the injury on his back
  • Cleaning lady found him
  • It is the end of march
  • Family took days off of work to grieve and write letters to supervisors apologizing
  • The family got rid of the “old”, and they fire the cleaning lady
  • The family decided that the sister needs a man.

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